Wednesday 4 April 2007

Phew! What A Day!

It has been a very hot day today, and i am all worn out from playing and learning new things!

When i got up i had some breakfast (puppy porridge) which was great, then i got to play out in the garden for a little while. When mummy got up i tried to get her to play too, but she was busy playing with boxes and i couldn't play that game so my new friends Jessica and Alice came to play instead.

After a while, mum left me on my own while she went to the shop. I didn't like that and had a little cry to myself, but before i knew it she was back and it was time for lunch.

In the afternoon i played in the the garden, and mum tried to teach me a new word - 'Down!'. Its not as easy as 'Sit!', but i am sure i will get the hang of it eventually. It then got too hot to play, so i had a sleep in the shade while mum read a book - its good fun outside! Well, its good outside untill you meet slimy horrible monsters with horns - they are scary and don't taste very nice. Mum told me that they are called slugs. Yuck!!!

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