Monday 2 April 2007

Woof Woof!


I am Katie the Dog, and i have just said goodbye to my mum and brother's and sisters (and the cows and sheep too!) to come and live with a new family. Its all really exciting and a lot for a wee puppy like me to take in.

First we went in a car, which was fun at first, but i soon got bored of the new smells and sounds and nodded off to sleep. When we arrived at my new house i was introduced to my new friends - Belle and Sebastian. Not sure what they are yet, but they are noisy and covered in feathers! After that i explored my new garden and met the neighbours (they have a big dog too) before getting some dinner - Yummy!

Well, now i have a full tummy and I'm getting sleepy, so i am off to dream about chasing cats!

See you in the morning!

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